Oliver Reeh has been working for ChessBase for many years as a translator and presenter of the internet show TV ChessBase, and he also looks after the tactics column in ChessBase Magazine, for which he has also been responsible as editor-in-chief since 2019.
The International Master has contributed to the CB "MasterClass" series and is the author of the DVDs "Strike like the World Champions" and "Master Class Tactics - Train your combination skills!" Volumes 1 & 2. Oliver Reeh lives in Hamburg.
12/21/2024 – In the diagram position Black threatens ...Qe2 and ...Nc4, but White wins. "Make your bets!" - you could say roulette-style - 'All on the 7!"
12/14/2024 – In the diagram position Black played 26...d4! and after 27.Rc1 he found a remarkable way to save his skin. The art of drawing - half a point, all the fun!
12/7/2024 – According to his opponent, White's brilliant move in the diagram position "actually deserves a medal" - are you also able to distinguish yourself?
11/30/2024 – In the diagram position, White can checkmate in five moves by combining his mobile queen with the advanced pawn f6. The challenge for you: calculate everything in your head!
11/23/2024 – In the diagram position White has no chance against the huge pair of bishops. In the game it was over immediately after 45.Qf6, perhaps you'll also have a thought or two about 45.Bf3. Enjoy!
11/9/2024 – From the diagram position, White skillfully hunted down the black king. The open h-file naturally plays a key role here - in this sense, good luck!
11/2/2024 – From the diagram position, the passed pawn d5 will eventually become the hero, but first White has to do something about his attacked queen d2. Your ingenuity is required!
10/26/2024 – Do you also think that Black is winning in the diagram position? Then you might try to refute 28.Be3 in your head - that was the continuation of the game!
10/5/2024 – 16...h4 (diagram position) didn't actually threaten anything concrete -
but after White's game move, Black suddenly had mate in 3! Can you
imagine how that happened?
9/21/2024 – In the diagram position, Black launched an irresistible wave of attack with 22...d3! - though he rather launched two waves of attack to be precise - enjoy surfing!
9/14/2024 – In the diagram position White had just played 25.Bh4! in order to plant his knight in the black king's position after 25...g5 26.Nf6+. What happens next ... is entirely up to you!
8/31/2024 – In the diagram position 23.Nf6+! is the first move to blow out the black king's life-light - you are welcome to contribute the other three yourself!
World Chess Championship 2024 - all games with analyses by Giri, Shankland, So and others. Kasimdzhanov, King and Ris show new opening ideas in the video. 10 repertoire articles from the English Opening to the King's Indian and much more.
Looking to surprise your opponents and sidestep the well-known Sicilian defenses? The Delayed Alapin offers a unique way to cut off many standard variations, making it an ideal weapon even against top-level players, including Grandmasters.
Top trainers strongly recommend regular study of well-explained classical games to improve your understanding of chess in the long term. 33 modern classics are explained in details on this video course.
Videos by Felix Blohberger: Reti Opening and Nico Zwirs: Najdorf Variation. "Olympiad Special": 21 analyses by Howell, Meier, Nguyen, Pelletier, Pichot, Van Foreest, Vitiugov, Wojtaszek and many more. Update Service with almost 40,000 new games!
World Chess Championship 2024 - all games with analyses by Giri, Shankland, So and others. Kasimdzhanov, King and Ris show new opening ideas in the video. 10 repertoire articles from the English Opening to the King's Indian and much more.
Looking to surprise your opponents and sidestep the well-known Sicilian defenses? The Delayed Alapin offers a unique way to cut off many standard variations, making it an ideal weapon even against top-level players, including Grandmasters.
Top trainers strongly recommend regular study of well-explained classical games to improve your understanding of chess in the long term. 33 modern classics are explained in details on this video course.
Videos by Felix Blohberger: Reti Opening and Nico Zwirs: Najdorf Variation. "Olympiad Special": 21 analyses by Howell, Meier, Nguyen, Pelletier, Pichot, Van Foreest, Vitiugov, Wojtaszek and many more. Update Service with almost 40,000 new games!
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