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All endgame DVDs by Karsten Müller in one package! More than 70 hours of instruction! from "Basic knowledge for beginners" (volume 1) to "Practical Rook Endgames" (volume 8) to the ever-popular "Golden Guidelines of Endgame Play" (volume 14).
Rook endings are the endings that most often occur in practice. Knowing what to do in rook endings help you to score better. In the diagram below it is White to move and win - do you see what White should do?
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Najdorf: A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.1 to 3
In the first part of the video series, we will look at White’s four main moves: 6. Bg5, 6. Be3, 6. Be2 and 6. Bc4.